The Roar
The Roar


It's that time of the year again for Arsenal

Arsenal players watch as their side is beaten on penalties by Bradford City during their English League Cup quarter final soccer match at Valley Parade Stadium, Bradford, England, Tuesday Dec. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/Jon Super)
Roar Rookie
3rd August, 2013

The frustration of Arsenal fans in the last eight years is better imagined. The long trophy drought and the usual frustration at the transfer window has become a painful norm for the Gooners.

Some of them still find it difficult to believe that the now very chubby Manchester City Football Executive, Patrick Vieira was the last captain to lift a major trophy at the club (Patrick has probably forgotten the last opponent he tackled for the ball in his last competitive game given his new role and physique).

An eight years gap seems so long now and considering the success enjoyed by the team at the time, many Arsenal fans would’ve probably laughed off any suggestions that their beloved club will go trophy less for nearly a decade.

What a lot of Arsenal supporters don’t know is that the club’s current policy of younger, relatively obscure players with potential started way back before Vieira lifted that FA cup at Wembley in 2005.

The idea found its way into Arsenal’s policy books immediately after it became apparent that the club was to move from their historic Highbury stadium to the Emirates. Even though Wenger deserves credit for his enviable record of financial dealings with regards transfers, his real gems always have affordable price tags.

The fans, most of the times, couldn’t believe how good they turned out to be, starting from his first signing, Patrick Vieira who he got for £2.5m, Nicolas Anelka came for £0.5m.

Even the one who has brought Arsenal the most joy in recent years; yes him, Thierry Henry, could be seen as a huge bargain considering his £11m price tag.

The signing that kicked off Arsenal’s present transfer policy was the capture of Ivory Coast international Kolo Habib Toure from ASEC Mimosas (Cote d’Ivoire) in 2003.


Arsenal fans didn’t really notice the beginning of a new dawn at the time because all the “big boys” – Dennis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira and one of my personal favourite of all time, Robert Pires were still at the club.

The fans were still basking in the euphoria of the league and cup double of 2002 and the yet to be equaled unbeaten run and league success of 2004. while the fans were being mesmerised on the pitch and celebrating trophies, the board was busy discussing the future direction of the club (the fans now know how effective that discussion turned out to be).

What really broke the camel’s back was the departure of long-time Wenger’s ally and trusted right hand man, David Dein, whose partnership with the manager was said to be the backbone of the club’s successes over the years.

Immediately after he left, came an influx of youngsters at Arsenal; some turned out to be really good (Cesc Fabregas, Robin Van Persie), while there were also the bad and ugly – Abou Diaby (nicknamed the new Patrick Vieira), Owusu Abeyie, Emmanuel Eboue, to the recent Aaron Ramsey and Carl Jenkinson.

Not forgetting the 20-year-old Yaya Sanogo who has joined from Auxerre this term, some of the aforementioned players might elicit different reactions from the fans regarding their talents and contributions to the club’s cause. One thing is certain though; they were clearly a step down from the kind of players expected at the club.

I strongly believe that Arsenal’s pursuit, Liverpool’s Luis Suarez, is a game plan by the club to appease the fans, who over the years have expressed their frustration over the lack of real marquee signings that will sustain a real title challenge and bring the club back on par with their rivals(who seem to have increased in number since the last time they were really challenging).

After declaring that he has £70m in the transfer kitty and is ready to spend on new quality players, Wenger’s turnaround yesterday to say his present crop of players are good enough to mount a serious challenge for available trophies confused a lot of the fans and confirmed what I have suspected all along.


Arsenal knows getting Suarez from a “top four” rival will take some doing but to appease the fans, given their frustrations, they pretend to be trying (hence their strange, last offer).

The club is very comfortable with the present bunch which will eventually mean another last minute jostle for fourth place and Champions League qualification, just like they’ve done in the last couple of seasons.

Some fans are planning a boycott of matches next season to press home their demands for better signings.

“We can’t be paying the highest match day ticket prices in the EPL and continue like this after several unfulfilled promises by the club, we have to do something about this, the power is in our hands,” an avid supporter enthused.

Whatever happens, I think the club owes it to the fans to come out clean on the issues affecting the club and stop the double dealing acts. The fans are the backbone of every football club and resolving their concerns will help the club to move forward.
