The Roar
The Roar


Roar Pro

Joined July 2009









Ha, one thing that was very obvious for me from the first penalty in Sydney is that NSW went into the game looking for excuses and putting pressure on the ref.

They are the one’s still looking for excuses and that is the reason that they will loose the third origin. I have never heard any sporting team moan as much as this year’s NSW side in any code, Ricky is by far the biggest whinger in the country and this is rubbing off on his side.

I think you will not be hearing too many excuses from anyone north of the border this year so best you start learning the list for yourself, or even listen to Ricky and the rest of the Blues, they have a bag full of them. 🙂

What's Queensland's excuse this time?

Great game! We can talk about the ref all we want but you know? We would have lost that game last year, we are getting better and better. Good teams do seem to get the rub of the green with ref’s and make no mistake about it we are a good team. I have always said that for a team to win you have to beat the 15 on the other side and the ref, very simple.

As a Wallaby and Red’s supporter I am used to being on the wrong side of the whistle but the worm is turning.

Also, the reason the Reds won the game was down to their love of defence. They love tackling and defending, particularly on the line. This is what wins them matches.

Oh, and Quade!!! How does he do what he does, it is as if he has no fear of failure, if some of the things he does fails then it is most likely a try the other way but he continues to amaze at every chance. He does things I would not even dream of doing, not even on a playstation.

Anyway, roll on the Reds train!

Record crowd witness Reds' epic victory over Crusaders


There are no underdogs in this State of Origin series

Hi Luke,

I guess it does not have to be said that QLD are underdogs, I think it is understood that we are the underdog. That is the mojo that we use each and every year.

Seriously, the NSW team look far superior – It should be a great game tonight.

There are no underdogs in this State of Origin series

Exactly the point, it is a nothing story. It was not worth mentioning so it did not get mentioned just as the Mitchell/Higginbothem situation is a non story – Or was a non story.

Waratahs and Wallabies left counting the cost

Great result and a great game, the most exciting I have seen of any code in years. What a day for me, the Reds won and the Suns, does not get much better than that.

Pitty that the article above is just a copy from Foxsports!

Gold Coast Suns shine in breakthrough triumph

At least I now know to avoid David Lord articles in the future – What farce!! There is nothing wrong with supporting your team but Journo’s should be a little more, shall we say un-bias.

The Mitchell thing was nothing but bad luck, this sort of thing happens in a game of Rugby at least on 100 different occasions. Plain bad luck.

This had nothing to do with the Waratahs loosing the game as the outside backs were hardly used. NSW was 5 metres from the QLD line from around 49 minute mark to the 70th odd minute. All they could do was play dumb rugby that was obviously not going to work. Really, how bloody minded are this team, one of the ruck for over 20 minutes! Dumb Rugby!

Also noticed Mr Lord you did not say anything about the elbow to Daley’s face, oh that is right, he is wearing a Red shirt!!!

Waratahs and Wallabies left counting the cost

I hope you are right regarding Dingo Deez, would be great for us Reds!

Queensland Reds storm to top of the ladder


Never let progress get in the way of your comfort zone, things are changing and you gotta move with it or be left behind.

Oh, go the Suns, they will be great and will have my support and I am sure the rest of the Gold Coasts!

Suns and Giants just not needed in the AFL

Spot on, it is funny isn’t it as soon as a catchy phrase rises up that everyone in the sporting community seems to overuse that or those words.

It seems to happen in AFL a lot with elite as you mentioned but also the word Structure’s and Gut Running used all the time. Don’t worry, it is not only the AFL but every other code in Australia.

Whilst on the subject of copy cat phrases. I have noticed that any particular comment from a commentator during a game is almost always used the next morning on the back pages and sites like foxsports every Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. As long as it sounds good it is used.

I see this as very lazy journalism, it is almost as if they are reporting the game through the commentators eyes. If you every watch a game of NRL on nine you will hear Phil Gould say something, most of the times it is rubbish and this will end up as being the main part of the story the next day.

That was only an example but it is the case in all codes in Australia and I find that news limited is the worst offender! Foxsports and it’s links through et al seem to be the worst for this. The Roar is also starting to follow with their feeds on the left side of the site straight from….

What defines an 'elite' AFL player?

It is great to see the Reds as a team that can change the game plan depending on who they are playing. They have a very willing pack and eager backline as well as being extremely well coached.

I think that as soon as Dingo Deans heads back to NZ this year we will see Link take his place at the Wallabies and then see the real resurgence of Australian Rugby. It is really something to look forward too isn’t it?

Queensland Reds storm to top of the ladder

Imagine if the Reds were involved, would have been the game of the All Time.

When Super Rugby came to Twickenham

Got me too, even tweeted this news 🙂

Australia to get 2022 World Cup, FIFA descends into chaos

You would like to think that some fellas would be thinking of pulling the pin on all international cricket.

The selectors are not going to do it, lets hope the players have enough balls to say enough is enough and give some young fellas a go..

We're out of the Cup! Now let's sack the selectors

Does New Zealand have their own Roar? Would have been better to post this the other side of the Ditch because frankly it is a non-issue to me 😉

Some ideas to stimulate New Zealand rugby

This is hardly a surprise is it? They have made their bed.

Lazy Brumbies thumped by rampant Crusaders

Bravo! If a team cannot control itself or is forced to cheat so that another team’s tempo or rhythm is disrupted then they need to be penalised.

Remember the 2003 world cup final, the English pack unfortunately for us they were so dominant that the only way we had a chance was to desperately try something that would cause a penalty. We lost the game and really deserved too.

Dominance and smarts are important in Rugby and the IRB treat it as such.

Did the points scoring system dud the Brumbies?

Obviously spoken by someone who has not been in a scrum before. Not sure which part of the scrum is inaction and gives the players a respite to the ebb and flow of the game? In my experience, a second rower who did push I was buggered during and after a scrum.

Did the points scoring system dud the Brumbies?

I always enjoyed reading Vinay’s stuff, always attacking things from a slightly different angle. Very sad to hear this news, sympathies to his family and friends, many of whom are in this forum.

Vale Vinay Verma: a titan among cricket writers

Seriously, there is a time when you have to make a stand and I think Benji did the correct thing. I would rather die on my feet than grovel on my knees. Sometimes to be a man you cannot turn the other cheek!

(Could have put in a million more cliches but decided two was enough) 🙂

Move on, there is nothing to see here!

Fair hit, Benji

Go the mighty reds!

Queensland Reds break duck; Brumbies' woes grow

The Gold Coast Suns Republican 😉

Bombers belt Saints to reach NAB Cup final

Agree, you do not want the lunatics running the asylum! A coach should have total control over the team, if he wants a player to sit out or play this way then this is the way it should be.

I think that the Brumbies have the cart before the horse and will suffer from it till things change. Truthfuly I have lost all respect for the Brumbies, they are an embarrassing to not only Australian Rugby but Australian sport.

Could you imagine being a young player eager to have a go and all you end up being conditioned to is back stabbing and low level politics.

Looking forward to seeing the Reds touch this group up on Saturday.

Is player power in rugby the way of the future?

I am not sure what has happened to the Reds. Either they are still feeling the effects from the oppressive conditions against the Force the week before or McKenzie has completely screwed up the tactics for his team.

I was looking at the team before the game, the backs in particular are stand outs, full of speed and exciting talent. I do tend to scratch my head though at Horwill being picked on the side of the scrum, he is a 2nd rower period – but in saying that the pack seemed to look decent on paper.

I will put this loss down to coming off the massive task of playing in conditions that no professional rugby match should be played in. The Reds would have been deep into the Red zone of their limits during and after that game. Time will tell I guess but I am starting to get a little worried.

NSW were brilliant I have to add so I am not taking anything away from them, in particular the defence!

NSW Waratahs smash the Reds to establish title claims

I also think those pools are too weak, the usual suspects would win and we would end up with the same teams battling it out again.

Rugby does not have the depth of countries at the pointy end to have a conference set-up. It would be nice but not likely to be a high intensity comp.

IRB should run rugby like FIFA runs football
