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Steph Curry shows off his ridiculous trick shots in a game of H.O.R.S.E

The Golden State Warriors are more likely to chase a championship than records this year. (Photo: AP)
27th November, 2015

Steph Curry is, without question, the most skilful player in the NBA. So it should come as no surprise that he is also very, very good at H.O.R.S.E.

Saying Curry is the best shooter in the NBA is like saying Tim Tams are the best biscuit on the market – it’s factually true, but it doesn’t even get close to telling the whole story.

The 27-year-old seems to have some sort of mythical connection with basketball hoops that we mere mortals can’t even begin to understand.

Court position, balance, the number of opposition players in his face – all of these are completely irrelevant when Curry is taking a shot.

With alarming regularity, the ball will soar high above the backboard and disappear effortlessly through the net.

Look at this shot against Memphis a couple of weeks ago: Curry tries to draw a foul from well beyond the three-point arc, falls over, but still manages to get a one-handed shot off which, of course, he banks in without it so much as brushing the rim.

For his complete dominance of one of the most competitive sporting leagues in the world, GQ named the reigning MVP its ‘2015 Man Of The Year’ and as part of the feature he was pitted against his father (former NBA veteran Dell Curry) in a game of H.O.R.S.E.


Some would say putting the world’s best player up against a 51-year-old retiree is unfair, and they would be right.

Just watch the video in the player above to see why.

(Side-note: Steph Curry can also make shots like this and that is why he will never ever lose a game of H.O.R.S.E.)

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