The Roar
The Roar


Best commentators of all time

Richie Benaud was Billy Birmingham's most famous Twelfth Man character. (AAP Image/Dean Lewins)
Roar Guru
8th February, 2013
1218 Reads

There have been a few ‘best of’ articles floating about of late. They are usually entertaining and a cause for debate and opinion. Today I reveal the top five sports commentators of all time.

5. Kerry O’Keefe

For a commentator to make you laugh out loud when you are enjoying watching or listening to sport is a great asset. Kerry’s knowledge of cricket is good but add the humour and you end up with an enjoyable listening experience.

Some people criticise the laugh but they’re the ones who would boo Santa Claus. Great entertainment.

4. John Tapp

Australia has had many outstanding race callers – you can’t even compare Australia’s callers to the United States because the quality down under is far, far superior.

Bill Collins was before my time but Johnny Tapp was the voice of racing when I was growing up. Fantastic caller.

3. Bruce McAvaney


Bruce is a quality AFL commentator but he has and will always be known for his brilliant athletics commentary. Most people have a spike in interest in athletics at Olympics time and Bruce is able to fill the gaps and inform the watcher of all the relevant info they need to know brilliantly.

From start to finish he is of the highest quality whether it’s a sprint or longer distance. First class.

2. Martin Tyler

Another commentator who has been an absolute privilege to listen to. His knowledge of football is first class and can recall relevant information or statistics during a current match perfectly.

Makes watching a great sport even better.

1. Richie Benaud

Simply the best. Has a wonderful knowledge and feel for cricket and has been a joy to listen to for a number of decades now. His theory that ‘the Titanic sinking was a tragedy and a runout isn’t’ is right on the money.


The off white coat can only be worn by the great man. Has kept with the times and not fallen into the ‘it was better in my day’ trap that can happen with older commentators. Absolutely marvellous.
