The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined October 2018







Ex sports playing tragic now armchair sports tragic. Rugby is my vice.



Whats wrong with Canberra Stadium? Only place I have ever been they had the bundy cans in tubs outside the fridge as it kept them cooler.

RA's manic Monday and how it will shape the future of the Australian game

Didn’t the ARU come out of that with a huge war chest that would ensure the growth of Rugby in Aus for the next decade

RA's manic Monday and how it will shape the future of the Australian game

And anointing Kissy to replace Schmidt

'Breathing life back into Australian rugby': How Reds revolution can supercharge several Wallaby careers

Am going to go back and watch the Brums v Force game as only caught snippets but Brums are feeling a bit like the crusaders.

Something isn’t clicking. Like your team of the week and the nod to Ryan Smith is great. All the talks of locks and he has been a workhorse for Qld over past 2 seasons. His growth and Uru I believe is one of the key reasons Wilson is firing. They are doing the grind and giving him the space. Vunivalu is going to get some comments.

Five things we learned: Why Schmidt is in a better place than Rennie was, how Kiss has transformed Reds

What a great weekend of Rugby. My weekends are becoming overtaken by the great game again. Thank the universe for the mini game recaps otherwise I would be a goner.

On the RA stuff am I the only one who has an involuntary shudder whenever the words Accountant/CFO moving to more operational focused role is uttered?

The Wrap: The two massive power shifts shaping Australian and New Zealand rugby

Mark it’s the chickens coming home to roost from 1995 with the potential raid of the WRC, the first deal with Rupert, the 2003 World Cup windfall – the list goes on.

The fumbling you are talking about is a decade after the rot started and I get you are writing from the perspective of an associate of Twiggy.

I have to be honest, I am trying to work out your point of this article.

It’s not a Greek tragedy. It’s a professional business who have continually acted as an amateur, loose association of clubs with the politics attached.

Please stop quoting the Castle, it’s really insulting.

And could an outcome of the legal proceedings be an external audit of the RA on commitments made by the previous management presented in documentation such as emails that have since being backed out of? That closed documentation you have already mentioned.

As for your pro bono lawyers. They don’t normally act unless they see an injustice.

It’s great to see you joining the site 3 weeks ago, thanks for the intriguing articles.

I love you have not participated in one single on field rugby discussion through a comment

Please keep them coming.

ANALYSIS: The Rebels aren't going down without a fight - and they might drag Rugby Australia down with them

Most likes, most comments and magically one hour ago top to the bottom of the pile. Had a feeling but now have proof. Gotta love the webmasters on this platform and their agenda management.

Rebels set to sue Rugby Australia as civil war erupts, Rugby Victoria President barred from summit

True but we don’t know what the requirements/terms were do we. What debt to RA e.g. bail out the Tahs had or already had that was forgiven and whether the Rebels were being offered the same guaranteed survival the Tahs received. Time will tell.

Rebels set to sue Rugby Australia as civil war erupts, Rugby Victoria President barred from summit

That’s the million dollar question isn’t it. I know I don’t have the answer and right now wouldn’t even hazard a guess.

Rebels set to sue Rugby Australia as civil war erupts, Rugby Victoria President barred from summit

This is nothing new. History is repeating. 30 years ago the newly formed Pacific Rugby Championship almost folded as the NSWRU were operating at such a deficit the ARU had to tip in $4m to keep the Tahs and the competition alive.

That was before professionalism, TV deals etc.

With what has been outlined in some of the comments the house of RA was already burning.

Fear kicked in Rennie was booted, Eddie came in, cash was poured into a World Cup campaign with the hope of a win or a final berth at least allowing for the value of the Wallabies brand being enough to be cashed in again for more credit to keep the house burning until the lions and a home WC would rain enough cash to douse the fire.

All this mismanagement and then the Waratahs then Rebels implode.

Tahs get debt forgiven to fight on rebels are left to burn.

That’s a different perspective to what is being said.
It may be right it may be wrong.

One thing I would like to see come out of this is what the state of our beloved game is looking like because I don’t want to see it managed into the ground. I do feel for the new management talk about being handed one huge turd burger, well more a family meal of them. It also sheds light on why the state unions were “reluctant” to hand over commercial management to RA, they must have had a fair idea what was the real situation.

These legal proceedings are a symptom not the cause. I just hope whatever comes out is fixable.

Rebels set to sue Rugby Australia as civil war erupts, Rugby Victoria President barred from summit

Great article Popeye and being a Reds fan I hope you are right.

The Reds won the 2011 comp based on players who had been blooded and grown into their roles the previous seasons.

As an adjunct you have argued perfectly for the reason we need the next tier below. Uru, McDermott, Pasami, Hoopert, big Dane were all players who I remember clearly running around for Qld Country and Brisbane City the year before Thorn came in and brought them through to the Reds. I am sure there a few more I am forgetting.

Either way that competition allowed the players to step up and get regular games as a higher level and move onwards and upwards again.

NZ has it, we don’t and are forced to take a sink or swim mentality. Edmend and Gordon are two examples of players where this tier would of been of huge benefit to their development and could of levelled out the developmental rollercoaster tI believe you are alluding too

How do the other Australian sides emulate the Brumbies' set-up? The Reds might be showing us how

I agree. I also think both of them are trying to hard, thinking to much. There game looked forced and it led to mistakes.

Reds rue missed 'moments' as Hurricanes get up in golden point to deny Australia another Super Rugby win

Why do I feel this is the top of the iceberg on this one.

The cowboy way RA ran things over the last few years and the timing of the Waratahs rolling over adds a dimension to it.

It also provides a different light on Waugh’s language around the coaching recruitment process. Due diligence and a thorough process I think was the words.

As for the silks (KCs now) helping out pro-bono that suggests they believe after reading the brief there is an argument.

I don’t think we are looking at dirty linen here, more Pandora’s box being opened.

Hopefully it doesn’t get too messy.

Hey at least between the leaks and the court room dramas the Murdoch papers have something to fill the gap between the bowls and darts sections.

Why things could be about to get even uglier for Rugby Australia in fallout over Rebels debacle

All I will say was I enjoyed watching rugby again for the first time in a long time. It started to feel like Super Rugby. All the off field dramas, speculation, skull duggery around structures, coaches, teams melted away. It was about 30 men, a green field with some posts at each end and a pig skin to fight over. This fan went to sleep last night sated for the first time in a long time.

The Wrap: ‘World’s best provincial rugby competition’ delivers a superb Super Round

If the chiefs dine out at the kebab shop on Caxton street definite upset bellies. Lets not write the Reds off

Reds rue missed 'moments' as Hurricanes get up in golden point to deny Australia another Super Rugby win

If you check the Canes post they would have said the same thing.

Reds rue missed 'moments' as Hurricanes get up in golden point to deny Australia another Super Rugby win

Commenters curse placed. Thanks Doc

Reds rue missed 'moments' as Hurricanes get up in golden point to deny Australia another Super Rugby win

What a game. What a way to finish a weekend of Rugby (I know sound like a San Sports commentator). Next week is the real test. Do the Reds back up and push the chiefs or do they fold? Felt like deja vu a strong pack grinding with a guy named lynagh at fly half. They are still learning the new structures so hopefully it’s forwards not backwards in the way they play.

Reds rue missed 'moments' as Hurricanes get up in golden point to deny Australia another Super Rugby win

If it wasn’t for Toole playing I wouldn’t have known the Brumbies had a back line.

They were pedestrian at best.

'Reality check': Brumbies cop hiding from Chiefs in worst display ever under Larkham

Thank you Kearns for your illuminating commentary.

I do hope the print it in the physical Australian if they have not already.

I need something to line my kitty litter box.

'Our talent is spread too thin': Ex-Wallabies captain urges Rugby Australia to cut Super teams

Twiggy or Twiggy 2.0

'Ready to go': Jaguares set for early return to Super Rugby if Rebels fall over

Here is an idea. We need 12 teams, let’s focus on bringing the rebels back from the brink.

The heart is still beating and the vultures are circling but they are not dead yet.

Can we get what we have working and then start adding complexity.

'Ready to go': Jaguares set for early return to Super Rugby if Rebels fall over

I think you will find Ruperts bottomless buckets as half owner, some good old fashioned salary cap rorting to build a winning team and alignment between feeder clubs interstate and the main club all helped.

And Rupert wanting it to succeed.

Legalising foul play, laneway bars and Molly Meldrum: Ten ways we can conquer Melbourne for rugby

You forgot the banners for the players to run through.

Made by the fans for the players. Admittedly it may be 20 pieces of spray painted toilet paper to start with but give it a few years and we can have big banners.

Also they have no idea the game has started and the whistle and kick off just doesn’t work. Maybe the team kicking off could bounce the ball to the opposition.

Just a thought

Legalising foul play, laneway bars and Molly Meldrum: Ten ways we can conquer Melbourne for rugby

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Force cop fresh blows after Rodda's latest setback and Pearce's ban, Rebels open up on 'deflating' start
