The Roar
The Roar


Soward, Dugan will be Blues' Origin Players

Roar Guru
24th May, 2011
2099 Reads
Jamie Soward is chased down by Sika Manu during NRL Round 19, Melbourne Storm vs St George Illawarra Dragons, at Olympic Park, Melbourne, Monday, July 21, 2008. Melbourne won 26-0. AAP Image/Action Photographics/Jeff Crow

The clearest evidence yet that NSW have a brand new attitude is in their selection of players for State of Origin 2011 game one.

In recent years, Blues selectors have been happy to “play it safe” rather than take a risk on an unproven player.

This strategy saw the likes of Timana Tahu and Joel Monaghan see State of Origin action last season, when clearly their form did not warrant it.

The best example that this philosophy has changed is in the selection of Jamie Soward and Josh Dugan.

The safe option would have been selecting Jarrod Mullen at five-eight and Jarryd Hayne at fullback, both of whom have experienced Origin football already, and would have some indication how to prepare for it.

Selecting Soward and Dugan is a risk, in the pressure filled environment that is State of Origin rugby league, given they have never tasted the pace or intensity of Origin.

Both are players that can win NSW the game off their own back, and they equally have the ability to lose it as well.


But that’s what makes “great” players, great.

They have the balls to roll the dice, and demand the ball when the game is on the line.

Both Dugan and Soward are those players.

Michael Jordan said it best, when he said: “I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result. I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

They are the type of players you want in your side. They can change the game with a click of the fingers, by creating something out of nothing and breathing life back into a beaten side.

Sure they could both crash and burn… but imagine what could happen if they don’t.

I think it is unrealistic to think they will steal the show in their first Origin game.


Did Darren Lockyer star in his first game, or Billy Slater? The simple answer is no, both came onto the scene when NSW was dominant.

They were not cart wheeled out the backdoor after a loss or series defeat.

But Queensland persevered with both, and allowed them to play their natural games, and now both should be considered Origin legends.

For too long, NSW has been playing it “safe” and playing the game within themselves, not wanting to roll the dice and face the persecution of the media, and have his paper stamped: ‘Not an Origin Player’.

It’s one of the most overused phrases in the build up to Origin, “Origin Player”. Phil Gould uses it a lot.

It’s why Tahu and Monaghan were used last season, over more in form players, as they were considered “Origin Players”. These very same, “Origin Players” are the reason NSW is staring at a six consecutive series defeat.

But how are we to know if a player is an Origin player, if we do not give them their shot?


Both Soward and Dugan have had solid seasons in the NRL, both have stood out in the City/Country games.

Let’s take the shackles of these two stars and let them roll the dice. Instead of trying to contain the fire of Queensland, lets ensure ours is more ferocious, and that ultimately it burns brighter and for longer.

Again Jordan says it best: “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying”

As a proud New South Welshman, I can accept NSW’s failure, but repeating the same mistakes year upon year I cannot accept.

We can talk about this “new” attitude all we want.

It’s time we gave it a try.
