The Roar
The Roar


Chaos rules in first stage

Cadel Evans will be hoping to add a pink jersey to his yellow one. (Courtesy BMC - Tim de Waele)
Roar Guru
29th June, 2013

Well the 100th edition of the Tour de France kicked off on the lovely island of Corsica.

It was an early five man breakaway who led for the majority of the stage but it was the final 10 kilometres that brought plenty of chaos.

With 13 kilometres to go the Orica-Greenedge team bus was caught under the gantry on the finish line.

With 10kilometres to go it was announced the finish had been moved to the 3 kilometres to go banner.

Then, as Cannondale came to the front and were seemingly setting up for a sprint win for Sagan all hell broke loose.

Race radio announced that, after the Greenedge bus had been removed, they would now complete the stage at the original finish line.

Seemingly at that moment more than eight riders hit the deck, including Peter Sagan. Mark Cavendish avoided the crash but had to slow down to avoid the carnage.

Then Andre Greipel had a mechanical and was left stranded at the side of the road. It seemed as though it was Australian, Matt Goss’ chance but he touched wheels and crashed himself.


Niki Terpstra launched from the remaining bunch, only to be caught a few hundred metres from the finish.

It was Marcel Kittel from Argos-Shimano who took the stage win, Maillot-Jaune and the Green jersey.

In terms of the general classification, all but one of the main contenders escaped unscathed.

Alberto Contador reportedly rode to the finish with an injury.

So, after a truly extraordinary day of racing, Marcel Kittel does a Steven Bradbury, taking the stage win.

At the time of writing it is not clear whether there will be any time gaps awarded due to the nature of the finish.
