The Roar
The Roar

Peter Darrow

Roar Guru

Joined June 2017







Thank you to The Roar for enabling me to combine my great interests in sport and writing. Specialising in biographies. If you would like a biography written about a sportsman/woman or anyone for that matter let me know. Go to for all articles.



You just triggered something Khun Phil, imagine if club rugby players were rewarded handsomely for playing rugby what that would do for the game?

'Fast, physically impressive and a tough centre': Cyril Towers was the godfather of running rugby

Would say Ponsonby Rugby Club vs Lincoln Club in a game (with TV, All Blacks, marketing) work better than say the Blues vs Crusaders long term is the question I have to ask. With a provincial comp to act as a stepping stone to All Blacks.

Super Rugby's failure was letting Rebels exist for 14 pitiful years - one less also-ran is a blessing

Yes Micko, it would be easier if the All Blacks weren’t such a powerhouse, well “were” a powerhouse! Then the focus could be on a tribal club competition. It would only work though if the All Black players were fully committed to it. Imagine DMac playing for his club at the local ground and fans meeting him after the game in the clubhouse? Oh no that’s right, that is what used to happen!

Super Rugby's failure was letting Rebels exist for 14 pitiful years - one less also-ran is a blessing

Excellent article Hamish and I agree with a lot that you say. Some thoughts: Do you think an NRL or AFL fan is disappointed that internationally they lag behind rugby union in exposure etc? They both have great club competitions which are surely what counts in your own country. A problem though, NZ has the All Blacks so all most fans want to see is the All Blacks winning so is SR really suited to being a major fan attraction? Should they just be a feeder to a successful international team? Would you rather a great, local club competition and less success for the All Blacks or a mediocre club comp and great success for the All Blacks? NRL and AFL have to have successful club competitions because that is all that they have. Can you have both, an excellent club comp and a successful international team? Just to confuse things, ask an NFL fan if they are disappointed the US does not compete in an international American football comp and they would laugh. I remember 30000 fans crammed into Okara Park for a Ranfurly Shield match against Auckland in the 70s, appeals more than following the Blues?

Super Rugby's failure was letting Rebels exist for 14 pitiful years - one less also-ran is a blessing

Not being in Australia at that time I hope I brought some insight into him.

'Fast, physically impressive and a tough centre': Cyril Towers was the godfather of running rugby

Thanks TLN

'Fast, physically impressive and a tough centre': Cyril Towers was the godfather of running rugby

You’re right sheek, players should be adaptable. A basic philosophy would be wear them down in the forwards then unleash the backs?

'Fast, physically impressive and a tough centre': Cyril Towers was the godfather of running rugby

Just watched highlights of Blues vs Drua match and the superbly planned try of Caleb Clarke. Rather than have the hooker score from a driving maul which is one of the worst sights in rugby they pulled a brilliant move involving the backs. That is what should be aimed for and would be approved by Cyril Towers.

'Fast, physically impressive and a tough centre': Cyril Towers was the godfather of running rugby

It’s good to reminisce and remember those who influenced rugby KFTD.

'Fast, physically impressive and a tough centre': Cyril Towers was the godfather of running rugby

We hope that Joe Schmidt has an attacking philosophy based on the great running players of Australia’s past. A guy like Tim Ryan fits the bill.

'The loping ghost': Tom Lawton Snr was the patriarch of Australia’s greatest rugby family

Yes, I was surprised when I found he was a flyhalf. It would be interesting to see where most players end up playing in the footsteps of their fathers.

'The loping ghost': Tom Lawton Snr was the patriarch of Australia’s greatest rugby family

Yes, I was there in 94,its a great place. Especially Cape Town.

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

I’ll research it JD but I’m sure they have never been.

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

Thanks m. Imagine the impact of a fully fledged NZ Maori team to SA, which I believe has never happened?

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

How did the Tartaria guy go OM? What is the best place in Otago? I’ve heard Alexandra is nice.

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

Thanks. Would be great to see more footage of him. Back in the 70s it didn’t feel that long ago he was playing , surprised when I realised it was now 100 years ago!

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

My pleasure.

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

Yes, I am distantly related to the Gage family. Have a good photo of a great, great (?) grandmother who looks fully Maori.

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

So you are part Maori too OM?
I have enough Maori blood to have once qualified for a Maori housing loan and once voted on the Maori roll! Not sure why I did that but it was strange being the only pakeha looking person there!

George Nepia made his New Zealand debut 100 years ago, but was he really an All Black at just 16 years of age?

Just going by what I saw last night with the game between Broncos and Storm which was a great game with superb atmosphere and the game on now between St George and Knights which is a fantastic game played in horrendous conditions, rugby has some work to do.
It is possible to like both games.

'We have to keep the essence of what rugby is about': All Black legend's worrying words of warning

“Crowds are down, television audiences are down, the NPC, the provincial competition, draws tiny crowds … club rugby is struggling to stay alive especially in small towns. The game itself, I think, needs to have a good hard look and say to itself ‘How can we make this game more attractive a) to watch and b) to play’.”

Both experts list the same issues that are tripping rugby up. (Tony Johnson and Phil Gifford)

They include governance – where a review has said big changes need to be made, but provincial unions are pressing back against them – complicated rules, lack of money filtering down to the provinces, mystery over what’s happened to the money from the controversial Silver Lake deal, head injuries, the elitism ruining schoolboy rugby, other sports eating into rugby’s dominance, and the future of the women’s game.

'We have to keep the essence of what rugby is about': All Black legend's worrying words of warning

There are far too many opportunities in rugby to kick for goal which slows play, is exaggerated for the infringement, and is boring. A deliberate knock on/attempted intercept is just another chance to kick for goal. There are those from the kick and clap brigade who enjoy the sight of penalty after penalty. I don’t.

'We have to keep the essence of what rugby is about': All Black legend's worrying words of warning

Yes, rule changes in league are for the fans, rule changes in union are for…?

'We have to keep the essence of what rugby is about': All Black legend's worrying words of warning

Too true

'We have to keep the essence of what rugby is about': All Black legend's worrying words of warning

Just one point I will put up here, why does a player get sent to the bin in rugby for an attempted intercept/deliberate knock on and RTS gets praise for doing the same thing in the Warriors game and remains on the field unpenalised? Thoughts?

'We have to keep the essence of what rugby is about': All Black legend's worrying words of warning
